If only we could remember this rule in life too. To imitate someone else is to admit we don't think we're good enough the way we are or maybe we just like them more than we like ourselves. Don't be distracted; even if you try to copy someone else, that still doesn't guarantee you'll also have their success.
If you can visualise your life like a running track, it might help you remember to run in your own lane. Chaos happens when a runner runs out of their lane and so too, when we start lane-hopping, lane-sharing and even when we fail to start.
Life is not a race -it's a journey. A journey to be discovered, enjoyed, challenged by and to be completed. Staying in your lane means showing up each day and using what you know, what you love to do and who you are to add your stamp to the time line of history and leave a deposit of something wonderful in the hearts and lives of those you've touched through relationships, and service.
Constantly trying to live up to other people's expectations, to impress or to please, makes for a weary, unfulfilled life. Recognise your strengths and attributes. That's not being big headed, it's being realistic. Then take those qualities that are so familiar to you and go and be wonderful, as only you can be. That, in itself, is not only good enough but it's what your world needs and is waiting for. So go to it. Your lane and this life is empty without you being you.
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