A friend of mine, Wendy, is an organising legend and gave me these practical tips to help get organised, stay organised and not lose your mind in the process:
1. Take a moment to visualise how you want the area to look. (This could be a challenge if you can't actually see the floor, but try.)
2. Break it down. Start with one job and set a time limit. Using a timer will help you work more productively during that time. Don't be tempted to over-extend yourself as it may de-motivate you to return to finish the job or start the next one. :D
3. Start with an area furtherest away from your prime work space (if it's a home office you're organising). This will free up enough space to re-arrange things where it really counts.
4. While some people will want to get the area organised in one hit, if a large block of time isn't available and that's what's been putting you off getting started, schedule smaller blocks of time such as one hour per day over a week or ten days, so there's no pressure and the job will be completed.
5. Rather than buying a heap of expensive storage systems, organise first then you'll clearly be able to see what you need and what will work best for your area.
Wendy is co-hosting a free time management and goal setting workshop on Wed 28th July. For more details see below:
Ok, get to it! See you on Monday for a new blog... :)
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