Our History
I’ve known WB (Walking Buddy – not to be confused with RB – Running Buddy) for around seven years. She’s the gorgeous mother of teenagers, whose artistic and creative talents make the average person wish they were gifted in such a way. We’re talking a whole other level! She is a giving and loving friend who continues to support me and urge me to fulfil my dreams as a writer. And for the record – she looks stunning in hats!
Recently WB discovered she needed to get her freezer door seals replaced. She found a fridge guy (FG) who could do the job but for whatever reason, he had an attitude about doing it. In hindsight, she said she should’ve found someone else but she just wanted someone to do the job and be done with it. Despite his complaints, he agreed to do it and an appointment was set for the following day.
Roadworks Ahead
Sometimes in life we hit potholes. For WB she’d hit a series of potholes over the last several years. Serious potholes! Some so deep a person could lose themselves entirely inside, some so dark, it was impossible to tell which way was up and some so unexpected, it felt like fragments of the soul had died a sudden and tragic death.
Nevertheless, when WB pulled into her driveway a little late from work, she remained upbeat despite FG being a tad testy. She escorted him through to the freezer and let him get to work but it wasn’t long before his attitude got the better of him. He began to vent about her brand of freezer, claiming they were cheap and distributed from discount stores. What’s it to you, buddy? (That’s me talking not WB!) And so he went on... and on complaining how nobody else wanted to repair that particular brand so he was left to do them all. Hello, isn’t that a good thing? (That was me again!)
Caution Falling Debris
WB took a deep breath to compose herself thinking he’d be finished soon and gone forever but he kept venting and that’s when FG crossed the invisible line and something rose up on the inside of her. WB stepped forward to set the record straight. As tears flooded from her eyes, she explained how her mother had taken her to buy the freezer from a reputable store while her daughter lay in a coma. The freezer was for all the meals people had made for the family.
FG didn’t see that coming but then again he didn’t see anything because he was so consumed with himself. He finished the job, messed her around on the price and left. What a winner! (Me again.)
Detours Ahead
When WB told me this story – I couldn’t help but think; what courage under fire. Her life had taken an abrupt, unplanned detour and the fact about detours is; we’re never sure where they will take us. I’m so proud of my friend who had the courage to peel back a corner of her life to set the record straight, not knowing what kind of response she would meet. Her tears demonstrated the gravity of how personal it was and still is – not a sign of weakness. They weren’t wasted either just because FG didn’t apologize because tears are an expression of many things; pain, confusion, sadness but also of healing. Perhaps this was WB’s time to testify that she’s still here. She survived. So did her daughter.
For all of you who are living in potholes, no matter how deep and dark they are, today, grasp hold of the hope that healing comes not over time but by love. When we allow ourselves to love again all the fragments gradually return, reshaped and ready, not for the old life to resume but for a new life with an outlook for a brighter day.
©2010 Philippa Vette
beautiful x