Firstly, the login photo of an adorable Golden Retriever with a smiley face has been replaced with a robotic war machine. That’s not all.
In “Pictures” where I upload photos of my products for my blog, I’ve found pictures of intense war scenes between two fierce Lego nations – axes and sickles raised, in a frame by (arduous) frame battle to annihilation. Wait there’s more.
Just this morning while editing a story, a freaky, black hexagonal-shaped object dropped down from the toolbar and began rolling and flipping over like a creepy spider scuttling across the bottom of my screen. Yes I yelped, wouldn’t you? My hands stayed well clear of the keyboard for several minutes until I was certain it couldn’t get me. Then it just became annoying.
But then, just when I thought that was testing my ability to be a good ‘sharer’, I found something that left me utterly appalled - pictures of Justin Bieber. Things had clearly got out of hand.
There’s one of Justin Bieber looking startled like a possum caught rummaging through garbage; a posey one of him and his HAIR - possibly two different entities but it’s impossible to tell if it is in fact a small animal attached to his head. That would be cruel. My favourite and I have to say, made me chu
ckle, is the one of Justin Bieber’s head super-imposed onto a beaver’s body. Justin Beaver, get it? (Is this an old joke? Sometimes my kids don’t update me as frequently as they should. I hate not being current.)

The Phenomenon
What’s with this Beaver, I mean Bieber phenomenon? Can he sing? ITunes at the ready, I decided to investigate.
A quick search revealed a song, “Baby Baby”. Ok, it was catchy, in fact a little too catchy. It’s still playing on a continuous loop in my head thanks to a recent trip to the shopping mall. Hate that background music. To make matters worse, as I typed the title just now, I actually began singing it – out loud. Nooooo!
When I saw Justin in an interview I commented that it was ridiculous that a twelve year old could be showcased in such a way, until I was told he was sixteen. Oops! An easy mistake, his voice is so squeaky.
Seriously, is this necessary? Do our tweens need to flock to this Boy Wonder? There are so many worthy causes we could involve our kids in to add some genuine depth, compassion and understanding to the foundation of their lives. Such depth would be an invaluable basis for our youth to draw from, to be inspired by and to build on for the generations to come. What is the world coming to?

Eeeeeeeeeeeek! *hysteria*
©2010 Philippa Vette