Sunday, February 21, 2010

Worth the Wait

When the delivery man knocked on my door, my heart leaped. "It's here, it's here!" I hollered, zig zagging through the house. Even a quick status update on Facebook announced to the world something thrilling was about to happen.

Gingerly, the delivery guy and his mate, sweat pulsating from every pore, manoeuvered our beauty up the steps and through the house setting her down to rest next to the pantry. What a sight! All 700 litres of Big Mama side by side refrigerator. I almost had a 'moment' but our bonding was crudely interrupted by a barrage of questions about our old and somewhat dysfunctional and much smaller, refigerator. I glanced over my shoulder to see the 'old girl' being wheeled away and asked myself how I felt about our fridge of fifteen years disappearing out the door and on to another life as a beer fridge. The answer caught me by surprise.

'Don't look back!' I immediately turned back to what was in front of me and a ripple of excitement ricocheted through my body. Big Mama was gorgeous. At over a metre wide, adorned in shiny stainless steel, she was possibly big enough to fit the whole family on a really hot summer's day.

One thing was for sure, no more manual defrost, chipping away ice and letting the kids hurl chunks of it over the balcony, while the dog darted across to each piece to taste-lick it in case it contained anything that resembled food. I'd have to come up with a new pass-time.

With one good decision, a wad of cash and an on-time delivery my life just got a little bit easier. Not only was there room to store all our cold food groceries but I could save money by buying meat in bulk and pre-make entire meals for when I was home late. That sound you hear, is my frustration level plumeting.

Big Mama has taught me that there is no value in clinging onto old things simply because they are familar, whether it be a job, negative relationship or destructive old habits. It's time to turn around and look at what is in front of us, embrace it and move on into something better. No more mourning over the past, it only makes us set up residence back there and cause us to miss the joy of today and the hope and excitement of what tomorrow may bring. And it just goes to show that in this frantic, drive thru-paced life, some things are definitely worth the wait.

copyright 2010 Philippa Vette


  1. I love this one Philippa. Your last paragraph really hit home with me and actually encouraged me to go home and take some action on some "past" things I needed to clear out of my life to make way for something bigger and better. Something "worth the wait". Thanks again.

  2. Now that's what I call affirmative action! Well done. Philippa
